April 2018

April 2018

Nisan/Iyyar 5778

Call 206-567-9414 for event details or see our online calendar here.


  • 13 JLC
  • 15 Coordinating Committee Meeting
  • 21 Havdalah, Movie Night & Dessert Potluck
  • 21 JLC
  • 30 Super Supper


  • 6 Coordinating Committee
  • 20 Annual Meeting
  • 26 JLC Graduation
  • 28 Super Supper



HAVDALAH – Movie Night & Dessert Potluck

Carol Shakow and Mel Leiman are hosting this month’s Havdalah gathering at their home. The date is Saturday, April 21th at 7 PM.  Dessert Potluck and Movie Night! Come and see The Divan. A documentary about a Hungarian sofa with fabulous klezmer music. Hope to see you there! Call 206-567-9414 for directions.




Lisa and Zann were inspired to bring some of the s’phirot, the qualities of the Kabbalistic “Tree of Life,”  into jlc. Starting on the second night of Pesach, and stretching for seven weeks to arrive at Shavuot, there is a practice to reflect on each of the 7 qualities of the lower s’phirot, one each week.  Here is the Omer calendar they gave to everyone in JLC.  The idea was to make the Omer process into concrete weekly practices/ challenges that would water and nourish our access to the qualities of the s’phirot. They called it “stretching your soul muscles.” They printed the descriptions of the weeks in different colored paper, cut them out, and everyone pasted them onto their calendars– reading the descriptions, and circling or writing in what we were planning to do for that week.  The idea is to write down in the space beside them what you end up doing– and then share with the group as the weeks go by.  It was a fun activity and well received.  Please feel free to print one yourself and join in the fun.

Counting the Omer—Stretching your Soul Muscles
The Freedom Journey from Stuckness to Clarity

Chesed = Kindness & Generosity

Help someone with a chore/task or take care of an animal

Say a kind word to a member of your family

Catch yourself being critical of yourself or others, and be kind instead

Practice generosity—give something to someone who would like it—either someone you know, or donate to Helpline, Tent City, or…

Spend a few minutes everyday meditating on kindness.

Light Shabbes candles, and imagine sending the light of kindness to those who need it.

Gevurah = Courage & Strength

Challenge yourself. Build your courage.

Pick something you want to do but have been afraid of trying.  Take a do-able step toward facing that fear.

Say a kind word to someone you don’t know

Try a new food, a new game, a new sport

Forgive someone/ ask for forgiveness—even if you are afraid of what might happen.

Tiferet = Beauty & Nature

Appreciate art and the beauty that surrounds you every day

Read and write a poem or good book. Paint a picture and share it. Listen to and make music.  Arrange flowers and give them to someone.

Take a walk in nature and really notice something beautiful.  Watch birds.  Garden.

Go camping, kayaking, hiking or mountain biking in nature.

Netzach = Perseverance & Achievement

What do you love doing? Do it! Practice it!

Work on something you’re really good at and take it one step further—learn a new skill, persist even when you’re frustrated or disappointed.

Enjoy the process, even the parts where you fail.  Enjoy failing and achievement!

Choose something you’ve been meaning to get done, and do it.

Hod = Gratitude & Joy

Smile. Bring joy to yourself and others.

Get caught up in a moment.

Tell a joke. Make up a funny song or dance. Read a funny story. Watch a funny movie. Read a good book

Make people laugh. Laugh at yourself. Laugh until you cry.

Thank someone for something you appreciate about them

Yesod = Connection & Inspiration

Connect with someone you’ve been out of touch with– send a letter, postcard, text or email to an old friend, your cousin, a grandparent

Connect with family in a special way. Play a game. Take a hike.

Connect with others.  Invite friends over for dinner, reach out to someone new

Reach out to someone who is going through a hard time.

Connect with someone who inspires you– your favorite author, musician, teacher, political leader, mathematician, sports star

Malchut/ Sh’chinah- Clarity & Action
Shavuot-  culmination of journey from stuckness to freedom & clarity

Clarify what you want to do more of this year—write it down, post it on the fridge, draw a picture, put it on the calendar

Reflect on what you’ve done over the past six weeks—what was most meaningful, most fun, most rewarding?   —Do more of it this week!

Clarify what you want to see more of in the world, and help it happen–bring a sandwich to Seattle and give it to someone who looks like they could use it, pick up plastic on the beach, give tzedakah, volunteer at PAWS


The Tikkun Olam committee held their annual distribution meeting last month. As usual, there were so many great suggestions. Our decision for this year is to distribute the Tikkun Olam Fund to two local charities – Coffee Oasis & Kitsap Immigration Assistance Center and to one International charity – Doctors Without Borders. You can read more about the organizations and their good works below.

Coffee Oasis (Supporting homeless youth in Kitsap County) – https://thecoffeeoasis.com/youth-programs/

Kitsap Immigration Assistance Center – http://kitsapiac.org

Doctors Without Borders – Rohingya Refugee Care – https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/rohingya-refugee-crisis


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