The High Holidays began in the glory of late summer, radiant, warm, with blue skies as we began Rosh Hashonah services. Perfect weather to compliment the promise of a New Year.
By the time Kol Nidre arrived, we were thrust quickly into Autumn, with rain, winds, cooler temperatures, and shorter, darker days. The weather, like the mood, had become contemplative, reflective, inner-directed, and our services reflected this. The weather outside our Shul resonated with the inner work we were doing in the Shul.
This year, our Chavurah seemed so connected, intensely focused, awake, and aware to others and to the questions our own souls were asking.
Led by Reb Lavey, whose stories and prayers gave us spiritual guidance and inspiration, we sang, played music, prayed, chanted, stood in silence amidah, shared stories and poems, and came together in community to share these very meaningful Days of Awe. Our bodies were activated as well, as Ellen Tobe led us to shape Hebrew letters and words with OTIOT CHAYOT, a movement akin to T’ai Chi.
These high holidays exemplified the purpose, the meaning, and the joy of our Chavurah – a community of connected individuals and families, unified by our commitment and love of our Jewish tradition, and of our engaged and supportive Chavurah.

Rosh Hashonah Day Service

Torah Reading

Otiot Chayyot


Chasidic Story Discussion
Ellen and Reb Lavey are back home safe and sound after their time with us. Reb Lavey left us with a parting request: “We said this inidividually to as many people as we could, but please pass on to every single member our thanks for the wonderful time we’ve had with you all!”
Saturday, October 7, 12-2pm
Come celebrate the beginning of our new year, 5784, with a delicious potluck lunch at this beautiful, small, sunny Bainbridge park. We will not build a Sukkah or roll the Torah, but if this glorious weather holds as predicted, we will be able to share a lovely lunch together.
–a plentiful harvest dish or something you love making, along with serving utensils; –nonalcoholic beverages; –beach or folding chairs or blankets to sit on; –musical instruments – we might sing.
WE WILL PROVIDE: dishes, cups, utensils, and napkins
QUESTIONS and Location information? Contact Sharon at 206.393.7300 or sharonrutzick@gmail.com
Author Presentation: Zaidy’s War:

Please join us on Sunday, October 15, at 11:00 AM PDT for a fascinating zoom presentation on Zaidy’s War, the memoir of Benzion Malik, a man of remarkable creativity and grit who survived the Holocaust (while eluding poisoning and cannibalism), walked 1,600 miles back to Romania, emigrated to Israel where he endured the Six Day War, and finally settled in the U.S. Whew!
Martin’s presentation will be in the Shir Hayam Zoom Room. Buckle your seatbelt and join us!
“Kantika”, a Sephardic Novel by Author Elizabeth Graver

For those of you who read “Kantika” (and for those interested in reading it), the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of WA is presenting, via Zoom, a discussion with the author:
Sunday, December 3, 10:00 am PST – 11:00 am PST
Join Isaac Alhadeff Professor of Sephardic Studies Devin E. Naar in conversation with author Elizabeth Graver as she discusses her moving, multi-generational saga inspired by her grandmother. Rebecca née Cohen Baruch Levy was born into a Sephardic Jewish family from Istanbul in the early 20th century, and her kaleidoscopic journey takes her to Barcelona, Havana, and ultimately New York, exploring themes of displacement, endurance, and family as home.
Kantika—meaning “song” in Ladino— is a lush, lyrical novel which celebrates the legacy of language, and the insistence on seizing beauty and grabbing hold of one’s one and only life.
“Far from being a Pollyannaish tale of New World success, Kantika is a meticulous endeavor to preserve the memories of a family, an elegy and a celebration both. — Ayten Tartici, New York Times, April 2023
This event is free and open to the public. Click the button below to register and receive the Zoom meeting link:

There’s still time to contribute https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023/denise-brown-3 even after the walk on October 1.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center (KIAC) – is a Shir Hayam beneficiary
Shir Hayam has been supporting KIAC for several years – with its precious personal time by some Chavurah members, and its annual donations…. in addition to the occasional ‘GoGundMe’ request!
The in-person volunteer work is extremely inspiring (and open to anyone interested in either Family Services or Legal Services…!). Please let Cay Vandervelde know if you would like to hear more! She volunteers in the legal services area and has had the privilege of working with Asylum, Violence Against Women, Victims of Criminal Activity and Legal Permanent Resident applicants from Afghanistan, Colombia, Spain, Denmark, Mexico and Guatemala. There is room for volunteer time commitments at all different levels…. so please consider whether this would be a fulfilling Tikkun Olam project for you!
To get a feel for KIAC’s ‘August Numbers’ – and to feel glad for Shir Hayam’s general support for this important work – have a look at the summary, below:


From the Bainbridge Island / North Kitsap Interfaith Council:
You are warmly invited to participate in October climate awareness month with a
community gathering…Celebrating the Web of Life
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Location: Congregation Kol Shalom, 9010 Miller Rd NE (parking in gravel lot adjacent to the South)
Bring if you wish:
A photo or small token for the collective altar that represents reverence for the interconnected web of life—an idea you or your congregation might offer to build climate change awareness, and a plate of Vegetarian finger foods (eggs OK) to share.
Hosted by BINK/IFC Climate Circle as we kick off a month of activities focused on building awareness of climate change and climate justice.
Please let us know if you will attend by RSVP at climatecirclebinkifc@gmail.com
Questions?: Contact Sharon at 206.393.7300 or sharonrutzick@gmail.com
Update from the town of Chelm:
A Shir Hayam member received this update from the Village of Chelm:
A young scholar of Chelm, innocent in the ways of earthly matters, was stunned one morning recently when his wife gave birth. Quickly he ran to the rabbi.
“Rabbi,” he blurted out, “an extraordinary thing has happened! Please explain it to me. My wife has just given birth although we have been married only three months! How can this be? Everyone knows it takes nine months for a baby to be born!”
The rabbi, a world-renowned sage, put on his silver-rimmed spectacles and furrowed his brow reflectively.
“My son,” he said, “I can see you haven’t the slightest idea about such matters, nor can make the simplest calculation. Let me ask you: Have you lived with your wife three months?”
“She has lived with you three months?”
“Together – have you lived three months?”
“What’s the total then – three months plus three plus three?”
“Nine months, Rabbi!”
“So… what is the problem?”