JUNE 2023

Please join us for Shabbat Service and Potluck at Carol Shakow’s on Friday, June 16th at 6PM. Event will be held outdoors, with a short Shabbat Service, singing, and a potluck. Hope to see you there!
Shabbat morning meditation offered via Zoom on July 1st, 9-9:30. Great way to set the mind and spirit for celebrating the sacred space that observing Shabbat provides.

SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE IN JULY ON THE GLORIOUS DECK AT ROBIN AND MIKE’S HOUSE with potluck lunch following. July date TBA – look for announcement on “nu”
Mazal Tov to Carol Shakow, and to her daughter and son-in-law Miriam and Rob McGreevey, on the high school graduation of Carol’s first grandchild, Theo Don, in Philadelphia. This fall, Theo will begin studies at Swarthmore.
Welcome home to Dee who has just performed in the Berkshire Chorale near Tanglewood, MA, singing an amazing, diverse program ranging from gospel to Mozart.

If you would consider representing our Chavurah at the Interfaith Council next year, please contact Sharon Rutzick. The members are a warm group, and meetings have interesting community leaders and guest speakers each month, and the organization has become increasingly progressive over the years. They have intentionally forged relations with or begun connecting with neighboring diverse communities, especially over issues of justice, inclusion, equality, housing and poverty, for example, as well as taken on leadership on issues of climate change and how we can approach this personally and communally.
Sharon can be reached at:
sharonrutzick@gmail.com or 206.393.7300
Upcoming IFC Events:
July 28-29: Suquamish Tribe Canoe Journey. Volunteers needed.
August 28-30: Chief Seattle Days. Volunteers needed.
Please contact Reverend Zackrie at minister@cedarsuuchurch.org.
The tribe is looking for our Interfaith community support.
ONLINE COURSES FROM The Institute for Jewish Sprituality:
About – Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
Courses offered in Meditation, Jewish Mindfulness, Awareness in Action, Jewish Education, and Chasidism, among many other topics.
Summary Notes from Shir Hayam Annual Meeting
May 28, 2023, 10a-12:30p, Via Zoom
At our Chavurah’s Annual Meeting, a full consensus was reached by those in attendance for the following three items of Annual Meeting business, with no changes made to the pre-review package distributed for member review with the May 19 formal Annual Meeting invitation:
1) 2023-2024 Annual Budget
2) Coordinating Committee Slate for 2024: Jon Garfunkel, Jane Greenberg, Jill Onewein, Randy Rotter, Cay Vandervelde
3) Tikkun Olam Committee proposal to drop its automatic percentage of the forecasted budget from 10% to 5%
Thanks to everyone who has already, or that intends to, support our Chavurah and its business in the coming year! Now, we are all looking forward to the Summer Social on July 23 that is in the works — when we can all see each other under the beautiful blue skies of the Pacific Northwest!
Your Coordinating Committee
One of the readings from the meeting is excerpted below, from an essay titled “How the Jews Invented Hope, ” by the late Orthodox Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who served as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013.

Come out to enjoy our Northwest Summer, and the company of your Chavurah friends, on Sunday, July 23 from 10:30 – 12:30 at the Goldens’. Since parking is limited, please consider car-pooling.