


High Holidays 5785

We are excited to welcome Rabbi Kinneret Shiryon, who will be joining us this fall, throughout the entire Days of Awe.

Rabbi Kinneret, though born in the US, has lived in Israel for decades. The Reform Congregation she co-founded there was the first non-Orthodox synagogue to receive funding from the Israel state. Her experience, demonstrated collaboration, knowledge, and values immediately impressed us as a good fit. We were particularly moved by the practice she has adopted since the events of October 7: after Havdalah each week she leaves her home with her shofar and joins a group on the streets seeking peace. There, she  blows her shofar as both a deeply spiritual and personal practice, as well as a public, political one.

Each of us felt that Rabbi Kinneret’s perspective – as a woman, a Reform rabbi living, practicing and teaching there – would provide the chavurah with a unique experience during this year’s High Holy Days. The chavurah would be nurtured, inspired, and – in these troubled times – have the opportunity to learn from, practice with, sing with, and get to know an Israeli woman with direct, first-hand experience of contemporary Israeli society.

Resources for additional information about Rabbi Shiryon:

 Yozma Modiin – קהילת יזמה – Rabbinic Leadership

Rabbi Shiryon’s CV.

Details about her arrival, and opportunities to work with her on the services, will follow as we get closer to the holidays.


Chavurat Shir Hayam is a Jewish community from the Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap/Seattle area that draws inspiration from many Jewish traditions and movements including Jewish Renewal, Reconstructionist, Reform and others. In the Chavurah tradition, we often meet in the warmth of members’ homes (rather than a synagogue) and participate in leading Jewish rituals along with visiting/guest rabbis and teachers.

Our community stands on three principles – the nurturing of Jewish spirituality and observance, the importance of learning and the responsibility of Tikkun Olam (social action).

  • We explore ways to make Jewish prayer, ritual, study, traditions, social action and mitzvah joyous and meaningful so that our lives and those of our children are enriched and strong Jewish identities are forged.
  • We hope that through our deeds we will build a solid and compassionate Jewish community that positively impacts the broader community.
  • We value the knowledge, creativity, wisdom and support of each member.
  • We welcome and encourage the full and equal participation of every member, Jewish and non-Jewish, in all we do.

In addition to observing and celebrating the full calendar of Jewish holidays and life cycle events, we sponsor community events, actively participate in community service projects and offer Adult Education.

We welcome you to join us and look forward to meeting you. Send us a message via our Contact Form, or call 206-567-9414 for more information.